Vivi and Wendy's genius The Great International Secret Blog Exchange is like Secret Santa at the office, except instead of being some people you mostly hate and also have to share toilet seats with every day, the gift-givers are strangers from around the world who - like you - enjoy reading and creating what the kids these days call "weblogs." You should sign up. And if you happen to draw my name out of the proverbial hat, please send candy and toys, not socks.
Speaking of toys, the unstoppable Baptiste has posted a fascinating cartographic overview of sex shops in Paris (and surveillance thereof), which includes a link to a France 2 report on the same topic.
The only thing I really miss about my last real job (aside from monday morning meeting, which was so much fun) is sitting two feet away from this girl, who I swear knows everything you need to know about technology (and finances and organization and all the things the Pie sucks at) and what she doesn't know she will look up in this very calm and methodical manner and will explain it all to you in such a way that you understand completely and don't feel like a total retard. So it makes complete sense that she is now the Interweb's official Lifehacker. Look at her go!
'Rico sent me this Gay Boyfriend video, which I very much enjoyed, though I agree with his assessment that there is not nearly enough nudity in it.
Shit, I have more but must go teach. Will add on later!
Thanks for the big ups, my friend.
And? So? Are you still teaching?
Posted by: LH | February 06, 2005 at 03:57 PM
me? teach? yes, of course I still do that -- if you consider playing party games with teenagers teaching. :D
Posted by: pie | February 06, 2005 at 05:24 PM
I meant like this very second, silly! You said you'd add more to your post after teaching.... :)
Posted by: LH | February 07, 2005 at 02:10 PM
oh yeah! duh.
hmm that's just part of the pie charm. I like to leave my readers in a state of perpetual --
Posted by: pie | February 07, 2005 at 07:00 PM
Good things come to those who wait, I suppose.
Posted by: LH | February 08, 2005 at 09:31 PM
Oh, did I say thank you for the shout out? Er, thank you for the shout out. Bugger, sorry. :/
Posted by: ViVi | February 09, 2005 at 12:26 PM